Team Kendall’s paper on the role of Nectin mutations in cleft palate published in Development
Congratulations to Kendall and his three “generations” of amazing undergraduate assistants (Danielle Spitzer, Abby Bergman and Jessica Wu), whose paper was just published in Development. It will be featured later this year in a special issue on The Origins and Mechanisms of Developmental Disorders. This paper leverages high-throughput lentiviral-generated transgenic mice (aka, LUGGIGE, or Lentiviral-Ultrasound-Guided Gene Inactivation/Gene Expression) to study the effects of Nectin1 and Nectin4 mutation or loss during palatogenesis. This study establishes the Nectin-afadin axis as important cleft palate targets, and resolves decades of uncertainty due to discrepancies between mouse knockouts and human genetic data. Kendall also applied microCT imaging for the first time to characterize palate defects in embryonic mice. Pretty cool!